What To Expect From Laser Hair Removal Treatment – A First Timer’s Guide

What To Expect From Laser Hair Removal Treatment - A First Timer's Guide

Laser hair removal treatment is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the UK. All around the world, in fact, people are using the pain-free method of hair removal to achieve their cosmetic goals and regain confidence in their body and themselves. With companies like the Perfection Cosmetic Laser Clinic, the procedure is simple and effective as long as you understand what the procedure requires of you, the customer.

Laser hair removal requires some preparation and aftercare. It’s for this reason that Perfection Cosmetic Laser Clinic Bolton will want to have a consultation with you before you commit to the procedure. Below is everything a first-time laser hair removal customer should know before they undergo the procedure.

Who Should Undergo Laser Hair Removal?

The procedures offered at Perfection Cosmetic laser hair removal Blackburn are strictly for non-medical procedures. This includes the treatment of unwanted hair in most parts of the body including ingrown hair and especially thick or dark hair. Though in the history of the procedure, it hasn’t always been suitable for all skin or hair types, the technology has evolved to a point where it has a relatively equal effect on all people, regardless of race, gender or hair type.

Why Should I Undergo Laser Hair Removal?

Unlike shaving or waxing, the results of laser hair removal can last for months. This is because the lasers focus on the hair follicles from which hair grows. Furthermore, laser hair removal allows for far smoother skin with no cuts or broken skin as shaving, waxing and plucking can cause. The procedure will also allow you to go straight back to your daily routine afterwards, and after the course, will only require one or two maintenance sessions a year.

How Many Sessions Will It Take?

The length of your treatment course at Perfection Cosmetic Laser Hair Removal Blackburn will vary on account of the type, density and location on the body where your procedure will take place. Usually, people will need up to 8 sessions to complete the course as it takes time to focus lasers on individual hair follicles. Each session should take around half an hour and is staggered at 4 to 6-week intervals for body hair or 2 to 4-week intervals for facial hair.

What Should I Do Before My Procedure?

Before your procedure, make sure to shave the area as cleanly as possible and avoid drinking alcohol or intense sun exposure the day before your appointment. Check beforehand and consult with your aesthetic practitioner if you are using photosensitive medications as these can negatively impact the effectiveness of the procedure. It’s also important that customers know that a numbing cream will be applied to the targeted area. 

What Should I Do After My Procedure?

For a day or two after your treatment, avoid strenuous exercise, hot water and direct sunlight on the affected area. It’s also important to apply sun cream every 4 hours for a few days after your treatment. Other than those few vital tips, you’ll be free to carry on your day as normal.