What Is A Wart And How To Spot One

What Is A Wart And How To Spot One

There are many blemishes and imperfections that cosmetic professionals consult on and treat on a daily basis. Aesthetic practitioners at the Perfection Cosmetic Laser Clinic are trained to analyse and figure out the best course of action on a range of skin conditions and blemishes. One that can be especially alarming for customers is the dreaded wart.

The wart is a very persistent skin condition that can cause great distress for those who encountered one on their body. The problem differs in nature to moles and skin tags and therefore wart removal UK treatments must be approached in a unique way. This blog will explore how victims of the dreaded wart should go about getting one treated.

Whether it’s your first wart or a persisting problem, here’s everything you need to know about Perfection Cosmetic wart removal Bolton and how to lessen the chances of their reappearance.

So What Is A Wart? 

Warts are fairly common but can vary massively in their severity and placement on the body. These small bumps on the skin, often with a small black dot within their base, are caused by the human papillomavirus. This pesky virus is quite common and invades the body through what are often microscopic breaks in the skin. Most often, they appear on the hands or the feet, places where the body often makes contact with surfaces and other bodies, both of which you can pick up HPV from.

It’s very common then, and whilst some people are immune or have the virus but don’t produce warts, other people may get them severely. It’s the luck of the draw really. 

Wart Prevention 

With that in mind, it can be very difficult to avoid getting warts. Unless you have the HPV vaccine, you can pick it up from shower floors, other people and from just generally being barefoot in public spaces. 

Wart Removal 

So if you get a wart and you want to be rid of it as soon as possible, aesthetic practitioners like Perfection Cosmetic wart removal Manchester can help with their effective laser technology. 

Laser Removal 

Using gentle light and heat from a laser device, Perfection Cosmetic will gently and gradually target and destroy the tissue of the wart. This method is pain free and gentle on the skin. After the tissue of the wart has been damaged, it will slowly die over a number of days and fall off the skin. 


Other forms of wart removal that you’ll find at dermatology clinics include electrodessication, which involves cutting away the mole using an electronic needle. This method is quick but can be painful, and may leave scarring. 


Most commonly and safely performed by a dermatologist, cryotherapy freezes and then thaws the wart, which dies in the process. This may take a few sessions to complete and will require more aftercare than other procedures. 

Over The Counter Ointments And Medication 

Whilst they will; avry in quality and effect, over the counter ointments can help to reduce the size and severity of warts. Again, this is no quick fix and will take a little while to produce results.