What Happens When You Get a Mole or Skin Tag Removed?

What Happens When You Get a Mole or Skin Tag Removed

So you’ve found a skin tag or an embarrassing mole and don’t know what to do about it. Well here are a few helpful tips, and the method for removing those pesky little skin imperfections. The most important thing to remember is that the majority of skin tags and moles are not cancerous or harmful in any way, so don’t panic. If you experience pain, or a change in colour then let your aesthetic practitioner know and have it checked; they will likely suggest you have it checked regardless, just to be on the safe side. Perfection cosmetic Laser Clinic is one of the best Laser clinics Bolton has on offer, so check out their website for more information. If you have a tag or mole in a place that is making you feel self conscious then there are plenty of ways to take care of the problem, so here are a few things to bear in mind when considering having them removed.

How Is It Done? 

There are several ways to remove the intruders, for moles your aesthetic practitioner will choose between;

  • Surgical excision- Your aesthetic practitioner will numb the area, then use a scalpel to cut away the area surrounding the mole, it will then be stitched up.
  • Surgical shave- This is usually done for small moles, the area will again be numbed, then your aesthetic practitioner will take off the mole and some extra tissue using a blade, this will normally not need stitches. 

For skin tags there are a few more methods available as they are not rooted in the skin like a mole. The best skin tag removal Bolton has on offer, Perfection Cosmetic Laser Clinic, will be able to book you in quickly for all of these procedures. The options are:

  • Snipping- This one explains itself! After being numbed, special scissors are used to snip off the tag.
  • Freezing- Again, self explanatory, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the tissue causing it to fall off in a couple of weeks.
  • Burning- Although this one sounds disturbing it isn’t. An electrode sends a current into the tag which dries it out and destroys the tissue, again it will simply fall off after a few days.

What Are The Risks Involved?

The risks involved are very small. The main thing to worry about is the area getting infected after the removal. The best advice to avoid infection is to keep it clean, moist and covered. 

One thing to watch out for according to the best mole removal Chorley has to offer, is the regrowth of cancerous cells. According to aesthetic practitioner, a mole that is non-cancerous will not return after its removal, but the cancerous cells of an active mole could return in certain cases. The best thing to do is keep an eye on it and update your aesthetic practitioner immediately if there are any changes.

The most important thing to remember is that these are simple, easy procedures in this day and age, so just check in with your aesthetic practitioner, and then find the best clinic for you to have them removed!