The Dangers of DIY Treatment

DIY mole removal

It’s easy to find laser mole removal treatment in Bolton or surrounding areas. Likewise, if you’ve got an unsightly skin tag you want removed or need help with genital warts, there’s plenty we can do. Unfortunately, lots of people still try to do cosmetic work themselves. And suffice to say, it doesn’t end well. From wonder creams and ointments to extreme moves with a scalpel, the world of DIY mole or wart removal is one you do not want to enter. We take a look at some of the worst techniques out there so you know what to avoid. But don’t worry, we also have the best techniques on hand too.

Stay away from sharp instruments

You might just think a wart on your finger can be cut off with scissors. Or maybe even you’d try to cut off a skin tag because you don’t like it sticking out. This is a very dangerous move that can cause permanent damage to your body so we highly recommend you don’t think about sharp instruments when it comes to mole removal. Or anything really…imagine the damage you could cause trying to remove genital warts?! And why even entertain the thought, especially when you can come to us at Perfection Cosmetic where our laser technology removes it without the pain. Nor permanent scarring! 

Magic creams…aren’t magic

Look online and you’ll find creams and ointments that claim they can remove warts or skin tags. All you need to do is pay over the odds and keep on buying that cream until your mole has gone. These obviously don’t work. Some might even leave you coming out in a rash. The FDA has also banned lots of creams as it knows that they don’t work – you can find out more about that here – so don’t believe the hype when it comes to this. Your best bet is to look for laser mole removal treatment, or wart removal clinics which actually do what they say.

Don’t be shortsighted about moles

You might have a mole that you want removed and think the DIY route is an easy fix. It gets rid of it and heck to the consequences. But some moles are more serious than you think, and a melanoma left untreated can cause more harm later down the line. So it’s important that you pay proper attention. At Perfection Cosmetic, you can book a consultation with us and we’ll let you know straightaway whether it’s a mole that we can help remove or if you need to go and get medical help. 

Don’t damage your privates

Genital warts are often a taboo subject. They can be embarrassing. And you might think trying to get rid of them yourself will spare you that embarrassment so you can get back to your life. That’s not the case. Genital warts can reoccur as they’re caused by a virus. You need proper genital wart treatment rather than trying to tackle (no pun intended) it yourself. 

Find the best laser treatment

Don’t waste time looking for the best laser mole removal clinics in Manchester, when you can find everything you need here at Perfection Cosmetic. From skin tags, warts and verrucas, to moles and various other treatments; we offer a much better service than any DIY treatment.