Should You Remove Warts at Home Or Let Them Fall Off On Their Own?

warts removal

Most people in their lifetime will get a wart – a growth that can appear on your fingers, hands, feet or other parts of your body. If you do notice wart on your body, often the first thing you may think about is how to remove them. Even though they are harmless, it’s understandable that you don’t want it on your body. Some warts may even fall off by themselves and there are many stories out there of home remedies to get rid of them yourself. Of course, you can always look for the best laser wart removal places in Bolton to do the job for you. Here’s a rundown of the different warts and the treatments available.

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. This can be spread through physical touch or by sharing items with people, like clothes or glasses. It can also be spread during sexual contact too and this can cause genital warts. Everyone’s bodies are different. And immune systems are too, so you can come into contact with the virus but not necessarily develop a wart.

What types of warts are there?

Common warts. The most typical type of wart you might get. They usually grow on hands and feet and are small, black-coloured shapes.

Plantar warts. Growing on the soles of your feet, you’ll probably be more used to the term ‘verruca’.

Flat warts. Like the name suggests, these are small, flatter warts that can feel smooth against your skin.

Filiform warts. These warts grow faster than other types and can appear on areas such as your face or nose and mouth. They’re also known to be quite irritating. So if you’re looking for wart removal in Preston, Stockport or surrounding areas, we can help.

Genital warts. These warts grow around your genital area and are transmitted by unprotected sex.

What do warts feel like and what are their symptoms?

Most warts will feel the same. They’re small and fleshy bumps across your skin and are typically white or pink coloured. If you run your hand across them you’ll notice that they’re rough, unless it’s a flat wart. And look closely and you’ll see small black dots surrounding the wart.

Do warts pose a risk?

Generally, warts aren’t something to worry about. They usually fall off by themselves and if they don’t, you can always come to us here at Perfection Cosmetic in Bolton and we’ll help. It’s also worth noting that there are some habits and body conditions that can make you susceptible to getting warts. That includes a weaker immune system, infected or damaged skin and biting nails.

Should I get rid of my wart myself?

If you discover a wart on your body, the best thing to do is wait. It might fall off by itself as your body fights the virus. If it doesn’t, then look for laser wart removal treatment in Bolton and get some expert help. At Perfect Cosmetic, we offer safe laser treatment that will remove the wart.

One thing to avoid is trying so-called ‘home remedies’. Some people have tried using duct tape before, soaking the wart and trying to remove the dead skin with tape. And while you may be able to buy acids and nitrogen products from shops or online, the DIY method isn’t always the best. You may cause more harm than good, so come to us for help instead.

At what stage should I see a doctor?

If you notice any of the following, then that’s the time to get proper medical advice:

  • Your wart is painful or showing signs of pus or infection
  • Your wart is changing colour
  • You’ve tried wart removal but it keeps coming back
  • Your wart continues to grow
  • You’re not sure if it is a wart

Perfection Cosmetic – we’re here to help

If you’ve noticed any of the signs above, such as painful warts or dripping pus, then don’t delay. Seek medical advice as soon as you can.

Once you’ve been seen by a medical professional and you still have a wart you want removed, then that’s where Perfection Cosmetic comes in. Book yourself in for a consultation and we can tell you about how we can help and guide you through our wart removal laser procedure.