Should You Remove A Mole At Home?

Should You Remove A Mole At Home

Mole removals are becoming an increasingly common cosmetic procedure. Whether for medical or personal reasons, queries into mole removal, even back in the year 2015 increased by 127 percent according to a BBC report. This number has undoubtedly risen in the past 7 years and has led to an upsurge of customers at centres such as Perfection Cosmetic mole removal Liverpool. 

But there’s being keen and there’s being impatient. Whatever the reason for your mole removal, it’s always best to have your blemishes treated by a professional at centres like Perfection Cosmetic mole removal Preston. Below we’ll outline some of the reasons why mole removal should always be undertaken by a professional and how you can tell what kind of mole removal will be the best for you.

Don’t Trust The Ads 

There are many products on the market that claim to aid you in mole removal from the comfort of your own home. The reality however, is that mole removal is nothing like shaving your head at home or buying waxing strips. Moles require professional consultation and care, as you’ll find out below. 

Mole Or Melanoma? 

Firstly, it’s worth mentioning that some moles that have cropped up on your body may actually be more serious than a simple skin blemish. Moles are created by melanocyte cell growth in the skin, causing uneven bumps and discolouration. Other moles may be signs of melanoma, a form of skin cancer that can be deadly if untreated. Both moles and melanomas stem from the same root cause, unnecessary cell growth. Melanomas however, spread and grow across the body and even into organs. 

Professional Consultations 

This is why anyone who finds new moles on their skin, especially people above the age of 40, should get them checked out. Whilst there are clear signifiers of whether your new skin blemish is a mole or a melanoma, it’s always best to get a professional opinion and act accordingly. Melanomas cannot be removed by aesthetic practitioners such as those from Perfection Cosmetic mole removal Blackburn, though they can refer you to a professional doctor. 

Scarring And DIY Mole Removal 

Another reason why home remedies are never the answer to mole removal is that professionals will reduce scarring as much as possible. Procedures undertaken with Perfection Cosmetic mole removal Chorley will keep scarring to a minimum due to their use of lasers rather than surgical tools. 

Hygiene And Mole Removal 

Cutting off your mole at home will mean that you have less control over the sterilisation process. Using a knife or a shaver to remove your mole at home may lead to a wound that can become infected. Professional aesthetic practitioners will always sterilise their tools before they treat you. 

So if you’re considering a quick mole removal at home, factor in the long term impacts that this can have on you. Patience is a virtue, and whilst laser mole removal can take some time for the mole to fall off and die, it is a far less invasive, dangerous and uncomfortable procedure than one you could perform at home.