What are the various types of skin tags? How to remove it?


Skin tags are tiny light brownish or flesh-coloured growth, visible on the folds of our neck or other parts of the body like the armpit, under the breast foldings, on the foldings of the groin, over the eyelids, in the anal parts of our body or on the skin over the penis. They are also known as benign tumours that grow like small rice grains that are a few millimetres long. Some of them grow bigger up to one to five centimetres too.
They may be non-cancerous but are fibrous ducts, with fat and nerve cells. It hangs like a stalk from the skin causing discomfort as it comes into contact with jewelry or clothing. This discomfort causes friction due to which there may be pain or bleeding.
They are generally not noticed much unless it bleeds or causes pain or discomfort. At Perfection Cosmetic, Bolton we have the perfect solution for the same.

What causes Skin Tags?

Generally, skin tags are more problematic due to the friction caused by the skin rubbing against each other in the folds due to which the collagen and blood vessels get trapped in it. There is also a chance of inheritance and hormonal changes too. Some women get skin tags during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalances.
We see people with medical conditions like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, colonic polyps, lipid disorders or even those with sex steroid imbalance having skin tags on different parts of their body. Whatever the cause is Perfection Cosmetic, Manchester specializes in skin tag removal.

How can I remove Skin Tags?

Skin tags are generally untouched until it becomes an objection or irritation. Some of these skin tags may cause bleeding due to the friction caused by ornaments or high collars on the neck. If it is on the face or underarms it may get cut during shaving for men or give you a weird look if there are many of them.
There are several home remedies and clinical solutions for Skin Tag Removal. But these may leave a scar or lead to infections. As such we should try to avoid such experiments and take proper practitioners’ advice for removing skin tags.
Surgical procedures such as excision, cryosurgery, cauterization, and ligation or laser treatment are done by trained professionals for the removal of Skin tags. Anal Skin Tags are very complicated and irritable.
At Perfection Cosmetic near Preston, we help remove Skin Tags using Laser technology. Our specialists may analyze your condition and advice you accordingly. You are welcome to our Clinic for skin tag removal without pain and scars.

What is an Anal Skin Tag?

Anal Skin Tags are small bumps around the anus that are light brown and attached to a tiny stalk. They are extra loose skin that sags around the anus due to which they are mistaken for fissures or piles at times. It can be as small as 3 millimetres and grow several centimetres. These skin tags are very irritating but are neither dangerous nor cancerous.

What are the causes of Anal Skin Tags?

These are generally caused by the pressure given in the muscles around the anus. It can be due to constipation or heavy weight lifting. It is caused even due to the hormonal changes that take place during pregnancy. People suffering from Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome or Crohn’s disease which is a type of inflammatory bowel disease often suffer from Anal skin tags.
Even excessive wetness, wiping, or itching for various other reasons like piles, fissures, etc., increases the chances of having skin tags.
All these in turn cause inflammation. The inflammation can be aggravated during cleaning or wiping the area with dry tissues. It can be very itchy and irritating especially when you are in public places.

How can a person get rid of Anal Skin Tags?

The anal skin tag though harmless is bothersome. So first and foremost the person doubting any growth in the anus should meet a doctor and confirm what it is. Once confirmed that it is just a skin tag around the anus then one can approach the Perfection Cosmetic Clinic which specializes in the removal of skin tags in any part of the body.
We at our clinic have specialists who can remove skin tags from any part of the body with our latest Laser Technology. The removal of an Anal Skin Tag will be painless in this procedure.

How can one prevent Anal Skin Tags from developing?

Perfection Cosmetic in Bolton would advise you on the procedure of removal of the anal skin tag and helps you understand the precautions you must take after the procedure so that it may not re-occur.
One may not be able to prevent developing anal skin tags but can reduce the occurrence by taking minimal precautions.
We should always keep the anal part clean and dry. Try to avoid lifting weights giving pressure to the anal area. Eat fibrous foods to avoid constipation. You should also exercise regularly to avoid obesity as that is also one of the reasons for anal skin tags. Also wearing proper undergarments that are breathable and fit correctly is necessary.
For any further advice on anal skin tags you are welcome to contact us and we here at Perfection Cosmetics near Wigan will be happy to help you.