What Are Moles? How to Remove Moles By Different Treatments



Moles are also called Nevi. A mole is the unusual growth of skin. Moles are usually formed under the epidermis and slowly will move onto the top of the skin. The Melanocytes that produce melanin, the pigment-forming cells, which give dark colour to the skin and hair are deposited in between the dermis and the epidermis layers of the skin.
Later these melanocytes form clusters and get proliferated. They then move up along with the skin cells and then slowly through the layers of the epidermis and appear over the skin. A mole on the face adds to the beauty of a person as shown in the first figure.
But if there are multiple moles then it does not look pleasant. Therefore we can think about the removal of those moles for cosmetic reasons.
You should also keep an eye on the moles for medical reasons and also if you find any abnormality like the growth of the mole or any kind of watering or discharge you should immediately get them checked by your private practitioners to confirm they are benign. The moles have to be regularly checked in to avoid developing cancerous cells.
We at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Bolton, have a team that will analyse and advise the client on how to go about it. If needed they also ask you to get it checked by a practitioner for further investigations.

Where do you find moles on a human body?

Moles can be formed in any part of the body. As age increases the moles appear on different parts of the body. It is generally visible on the face or hands and neck. It is mistaken for skin tags which are seen more on the folds of the body. It is also seen in different parts of the human body, but may not be visible to others. You can get yourself checked at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Wigan, if you feel there are moles that need to be removed.

What is the colour of a mole?


Moles are usually seen in black or brown colour. We also find it in blue, bluish-black, or even in tan or brownish-black colours.

Is it painful to have a mole? Is it contagious?

Moles are not contagious. They are usually harmless but can sometimes turn cancerous due to hormonal changes and genes. These are known as Melanoma. They are the most serious type of cancer. It can be seen anywhere in your body, especially the eye, throat or nose.
Though the cause is not yet found, we can see that people who are exposed to sunlight or UV radiation are found to have Melanoma. Even people who use tanning beds or lamps will be at risk of this dangerous disease. Women below 40 are prone to this disease. If caution is taken then they are at lower risk. Once in a while a thorough checkup at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Leigh, would help you to diagnose if you have a risky mole.

What are the different methods of mole removal?


Mole removal may have different procedures but not all may be safe. Some of the methods are laser therapy, shaving method, cryotherapy, and cauterisation. These methods have to be done under proper practitioners’ guidance otherwise they can have their own complications too.
We can also find creams and lotions in the market which claim to remove the mole permanently, but they are not recommended as they are not FDA-approved, hence do not remove the mole but may further damage your skin. As such it is not safe to use them.
At Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Manchester, we have professional practitioners who have years of experience in removing all types of moles, with an immaculate finish. We have all the treatments in place which will help you feel it is an art and not a treatment.
However, our best seller is the Laser Procedure which is painless and scarless as it will be done using CO2 Laser technology. It is instant and the recovery is very quick and smooth leaving you with a mole-free skin. Contact us today for further information.

Do I need surgery to remove a mole?

A mole is generally not noticed unless it hinders or highlights a particular part. As we see, a mole on some people, on the face, adds beauty to the person. If it is more on any part of the body and it catches on to your dress or ornaments or looks weird, then the removal of it is inevitable.
There are different methods of removal. Surgery is one among them but it will leave scars. One cannot opt for this procedure especially on the face as there may be stitches too. Surgery has its own limitations and risks.

How can I remove a mole without a scar?

remove-a-mole-without-a-scarLaser technology is one of the most prevalent methods of mole removal which gives you a painless and scarless method. Here at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Preston, we have experts in this field who can give you the best advice and also the best results.

Is the procedure painful?

You may experience pain in other procedures like operation, as the cut may take time to heal. There may be several sessions of dressing the wound too.
The procedure of Laser technology is not painful. You may have a slight tingling sensation as the heat waves pass through the skin layers. There may be precautions instructed by the experts at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Cheshire, before and after the procedure of Laser removal.

Will it reoccur after the removal of a mole laser technology?

Generally, it may not re-occur at the same place, but if it is not rooted out properly it may re-appear at the same spot.

How long will the Laser technology procedure take?

Laser-technology-procedure-for-mole-removalThe timing purely depends on the number of moles to be treated. After the procedure, the post-care is explained to the customer. We at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Blackburn, give you the complete list of what to do and what not to do. Our experts are a call away. You can call them and book up an appointment which will be a free consultation.
They can help you decide which procedure will suit you the best after your consultation stating your medical history and check-up.
They will then assess the mole and remove it with your chosen method. Contact us at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, Stockport, to speak to our experts for the best advice for your mole removal procedure. We look forward to hearing from you and serving you.