Genital Warts: Symptoms, Diagnosis and treatment

freezing wart

Genital warts are often a taboo subject. They’re caused by the transmission of the human papilloma virus (HPV) and can leave you with a reminder in your groin area. While you can get medical help from your GP or sexual health clinics, there’s also the desire to remove the physical wart itself. Before looking for wart removal clinics in Manchester, read on to learn more about the type of warts and treatments available.

Different types of genital warts

As the name suggests, genital warts appear around the genital area. For women they can appear around the vagina and anus while for men they can show up on the tip of the penis but also around the anus too. These warts are skin-coloured growths that appear on the body in clusters. They tend to group together in about three or four clusters and are known to resemble small, cauliflower shapes. Occasionally, creams can help reduce the appearance of genital warts but if you have a lot or they’re getting larger, you need to seek out the experts. Unfortunately, they won’t just go away and you may suffer from flare ups or recurrences. But rather than letting that affect your body physically and mentally, you can find somewhere to remove them for good. Places such as Perfection Cosmetic in Bolton specialise in laser treatment that will get rid of them, putting your mind at ease and helping you get your confidence back.

wart removal

Treatment options available

There are various clinics in the north west of the country offering genital wart removal. And you’ll find that they offer similar treatments. These include:

Lasers this can be performed by a professional practitioner. They will apply the laser to the wart. This is one of the most popular methods available. If you’re looking for wart removal in Bolton, here at Perfection Cosmetic, we have a laser method that causes the wart to slowly die and is more gentle than surgery or typical laser treatment.

Surgery your genital warts can be surgically cut off but this isn’t one of the most sought after methods.

Freezing the wart is frozen using specialist equipment by a practitioner. The process may have to be repeated several times until the wart falls off.

Don’t go down the DIY route

Genital warts can go away on their own, without you even needing treatment. However, because the underlying virus can remain dormant in your body, they can come back, so it’s completely understandable why you’d want to get rid of them. Unfortunately, some people try to resolve this themselves. We do not recommend that.

Why? First of all when it comes to anything health related or to your body, it’s always best to go to the professionals. Especially when it comes to private areas of your body! Of course you could try the holistic methods, such as tea tree oil and garlic extract, but they haven’t got the best success rate. Plus, if you’re concerned about your groin’s appearance, why make it smell odd too? The worst thing to do though is to try and physically remove genital warts yourself. By doing that, you could cause severe damage to your body. Even if you do remove the warts, it’s likely that you’ll scar yourself in the process. Instead, look for laser clinics in Bolton or Manchester that have a solid track record and they’ll be able to help.

Treatment time and aftercare

At Perfection Cosmetic in Bolton, we offer laser treatment to remove genital warts. The good news is that the initial process doesn’t take long either. It can sometimes take just 15 minutes to remove a wart, obviously it depends on the size and how many you need removed. But it’s not something that’s going to take up your whole day.

After treatment, you just need to make sure you keep the area clean and dry. You can shower and bathe afterwards – that will help with any irritation too. Just make sure you keep the area dry. It’s also best to avoid scratching as that can irritate the skin and while your body’s recovering, it’s a good idea to refrain from sexual activities as skin-to-skin contact can push back the healing process.

If you ever want to know more or book yourself in for a treatment, just get in touch.