FDA Issues Mole/Skin Tag Remove Product Warning


Having a mole or a skin tag removed is a popular procedure these days. And it’s one that can be done effortlessly at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic near Manchester. But unfortunately, there are some people who still prefer to go down the ‘product’ route and buy creams and ointments that they believe will do the job instead. Now, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  has issued a warning to not buy any mole or skin tag removal products.

What does the warning mean?

The FDA is an important organisation. They’re responsible for making sure products are certified and safe for use so they won’t cause any harm to the body when you use them. You might have often heard about things being ‘FDA-approved’ Anything like that you can usually consider safe to use, from prescription drugs to topical ointments. However, on the flip side of that, there is a large number of products that aren’t FDA-approved. And right now, there are lots of products for mole or skin tag removals that definitely aren’t approved. These are the ones you need to avoid.

It’s important because products that aren’t on the list can be hazardous to your health. Especially when it comes to mole or skin tag removal. The creams might not even work, they could leave permanent damage to your skin and your skin would end up looking worse than it was before. That’s why the FDA doesn’t have any products approved for moles or skin tag removals. So if you see one online then don’t get sucked in by the magic description, because it won’t do any good.

The FDA also sent warning letters to three big companies which were selling the unapproved items. We’ve got them here, and the product names, so you know what to avoid:


  • Deisana Skin Tag Remover, Mole Remover and Repair Gel Set
  • Skincell Mole Skin Tag Corrector Serum

Ariella Naturals:

  • Ariella Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector and Repair Lotion Se
  • Ariella Skin Tag Remover and Mole Remover

Justified Laboratories

  • Skincell Advanced Mole Skin Tag Corrector Serum
  • Skincell Mole Skin Tag Corrector Serum

Some of these items have already been removed from the sites, but you should be aware of them in case you see them listed on another online store.

Come to the experts instead

If you’re looking for mole removal treatment in Bolton then you don’t have to look any further than us. We specialise in removing moles and skin tags with our laser technology. With moles, our laser mole removal treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to destroy the dark pigment of the skin. This effectively fades it out from your skin. There’s less risk of scarring and it’s an effective treatment for getting rid of moles. Likewise, on skin tags we heat the area to remove it completely.

When you book in for laser removal or skin tag removal at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic, we’ll be able to talk about what you need done and how quick we can do it. For instance, if you have more than one skin tag you want removed, we can do it all in just one single session. Get in touch with us today and we’ll reply to you so we can book you in for your initial consultation.

Until then, remember to stay away from those FDA-unapproved products!