Best Mole Removal Techniques Of 2023

Mole removal techniques

As 2023 gets into full swing, we can look forward to more advancements in technology. New phones, new computers and new advancements in medical health. When it comes to mole removal though, much of the treatments will remain the same – as the old adage goes, “if it ain’t broke, why fix it?”. And that’s true, why bother trying to fix things that work well? Of course, at Perfection Cosmetic we’re always making sure we use state-of-the-art laser technology when it comes to mole removal, but we still want to know what other techniques are popular this year. So here’s a look at the most popular mole removal techniques.


Cryotherapy for mole removal

One method that used to be popular a while ago (and is still used in some cases), is freezing the mole. A practitioner will use liquid nitrogen to freeze the mole and essentially it breaks off. However, this technique is more commonly used on skin tags or warts as moles need a bit more care and attention. That’s why when you look for mole removal procedures, cryotherapy is not on the top of the list. It still exists but it’s one that we wouldn’t recommend, especially when laser mole removal treatments offers something much better.


Shaving procedures for mole removal

Okay, this might literally sound like a tool is removed to ‘shave’ a mole off your body. And if that’s what you thought, you’re not far wrong. This technique is primarily used on raised moles that stick out from the skin. After getting some local anaesthetic to numb the area, a special scalpel or surgical blade is used to basically shave away the mole until it’s flat and flush with the surrounding area. The procedure doesn’t take long and after about a month, you’ll be fully healed but with the possibility of a small scar.


Excising a mole

Perhaps the most invasive form of mole removal (and one we don’t offer here and again one that we wouldn’t recommend) is having a mole cut off your skin. Similar to shaving, you’d get some local anaesthetic to numb the area around the mole. Then a scalpel is used to remove the entire mole and the open wound left is stitched up.  Most clinics don’t even offer this as an option and it’s difficult to find a medical practitioner to do it too. But when there are less invasive treatments available, why would you even want to go down this route?


Saving the best till last – laser mole removal

If you’re looking for laser mole removal treatment in Bolton then you’re on the right track. Because using laser technology to remove moles is one of the most proven, efficient methods available today. And one that we can offer right here at Perfection Cosmetic. We’ll take you through a full consultation process, tell you everything you need to do and then get you in front of the laser. You’ll hardly feel a thing as we destroy the pigmentation of the mole, leaving you with a blemish-free mark where it once was. Healing doesn’t take long and it won’t be long before you forget you ever had a mole in the first place. There’s a reason why this method is the most popular around.