know about how moles formed | Perfection Cosmetic Clinic


A mole is a kind of skin growth that appears in black, brown, or flesh colour in any part of the body. They are considered very important identity marks. Whether these moles are a boon or a bane is really a matter of personal belief.

But if these moles appear more than usual in more visible areas, then it becomes a matter of concern. You may feel awkward and wish to have it removed and have flawless skin.

How are moles formed?

Moles are mainly caused by melanocytes. They appear as single or clusters of pigment-forming cells. Some are called flesh moles which may be harmless but irritating. It may change in appearance or fade over time. They develop in different numbers, sizes & shapes, and colours.

● Numbers: The number of moles that appear on the human body varies. It can be one or two during childhood but as we grow it may increase in number. It depends on the skin type, hormonal changes, and the external factors that react with the skin.

● Size and shape: There is no particular size as such. Some may be as small as a mustard seed and some as big as a pea or even bigger than that. They may appear in a round or oval shape.

● Color and texture: The moles can be in brown, black, tan, red, or pink. They can have a smooth and soft texture or a wrinkled one. It can be flat or raised, rough or crusted. Some of them may have hair growing from them.


Generally, moles are harmless but at times we may find some moles being painful, itchy or bleeding, growing in an abnormal way which may be a matter of concern. Mostly they are benign but rarely do they become cancerous. These kinds of moles may need expert advice or medical attention. This is where you can come to Perfection Cosmetic Clinic at Bolton, where you can experience a painless laser treatment for the removal of Moles.

About Perfection Cosmetic Clinic:

When a client visits our Perfection Cosmetic clinic in Manchester for mole removal, the experts analyze the structure of the mole and advise accordingly. A visit to your GP is also advised by our specialists.

The experts at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic promise to give you a scar-less and painless Laser Mole Removal Treatment at our clinic. We use the latest technology that helps you get rid of that unwanted mole to have smooth and healthy skin.


If the mole is of mild nature then a single sitting at the clinic would be required. If they are of the stubborn kind then you may have to undergo a few more sittings in order to get the perfect and flawless skin as promised.

Where can you find Perfection Cosmetic Clinic:

Perfection Cosmetic is one of the leading Aesthetic clinics and academies that has thousands of satisfied clients who have achieved outstanding results with Laser treatment. It is situated at the heart of Bolton, the Metropolitan County of Great Manchester. With ample years of experience in this field, you can entrust yourself to our safe hands for any skin-related conditions in our clinic.

What can you expect at the Perfection Cosmetic Clinic:

With our clientele-focused and dedicated service, we deliver the best quality treatments. The prices are affordable with quality unmatchable. The pricing differs according to the procedure, the varied sizes of the mole, the protrusion the type of lesion, and the location. The pigmentation of the mole also matters.

Prior consultation with the Laser specialists for the painless removal of the mole at Bolton is completely free and confidential too. Your privacy is our privilege. This consultation helps the Laser specialist analyze your skin and work with more confidence to achieve the best results. Each treatment is customized with utmost care according to the client’s needs and skin type. The Laser treatments at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic are painless and scarless.


Dreams come true when you witness the results yourselves. Please complete the contact form and book a no-obligation telephonic consultation at our Perfection Cosmetic Clinic and we will be happy to serve you.