The Lowdown On Genital Warts

Genital warts embarassment

Genital warts can be an embarrassing topic. But unfortunately there are lots of people out there who catch them. However, if you do ever get them that doesn’t mean that it’s the end of the world. You shouldn’t be hanging your head in shame and you should definitely not let embarrassment or shame get the better of you. Instead, you should just address it head on and get the treatment you need. At Perfection Cosmetic we can help with our genital wart removal techniques, as well as offering expert advice.


How do you get genital warts?

The name is probably a big giveaway – you can catch genital warts around the genital area – penis, vagina, anus. But did you know that they’re actually caused by the human papilloma virus (more commonly known as HPV)? This is a sexually transmitted disease, and yep, you guessed it, they’re spread via unprotected sexual intercourse. So that’s how you get it.


The best thing then to avoid catching genital warts is by practising safe sex. Which we hope you’re doing anyway. But in the event you do ever catch them, you don’t need to feel like the world is over. You just need to take some time, know what you’re looking for and understand what steps to do next. This includes seeking medical health as well as looking for genital wart removal near Manchester so you can get rid of them.


“I’ve got genital warts, what do I do now?”

So you’ve noticed some new growth around your genital area which wasn’t there before. It’ll appear in a group of clusters, resembling the shape of small cauliflowers, so you know it’s not a mole or a skin tag. The next step is to seek medical advice, whether it’s your GP or a sexual health clinic. Like other sexually transmitted infections, it’s the usual process of talking about sexual partners etc. before you could be prescribed some treatment. But please remember, genital warts are caused by HPV, so it’s a virus that can take ages to kill and it can never fully go.


But Perfection Cosmetic can help

While sexual health clinics might prescribe creams or liquids to help with genital warts, the main thing you’ll probably want is to get rid of it. And what’s when it’s time to look for genital wart removal in Bolton as you’ll find one of the best clinics to help (p.s. it’s us). So while there’s no cure for genital warts, your body will fight the virus over time and we can give you a helping hand. We do that with our laser treatment which will completely remove them from your nether region. There’s always the chance that they might come back, but we’ll still be here to help you again if that’s the case. 

The process is easy too. Just book a consultation with us and we’ll take it from there. We’ll get you in to discuss your needs, talk you through the procedure and what to expect on the day. Then, on the day of treatment, it’ll be over before you know it and you can walk out without those unwanted guests around your genitals.