Step-by-step guide to laser mole removal

Mole removal before and after

If you’ve ever thought about getting laser mole removal treatment but you’re unsure of what’s involved, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll explain all the proper steps to take to make sure you know what you’re doing, where you’re going and that you’re definitely making the right choice. The good news is that laser mole removal at Perfection Cosmetic is simple and straightforward, so you’ll have no worries when you come here. And even better news is that this step-by-step guide is really easy to follow. Here goes.

Step 1 – is it a mole?

Before you even think about looking for a mole removal clinic in Manchester, you want to make sure it’s actually a mole on your body. Moles are often small, round and dark in shape but you could mistake it for a wart or a skin tag if you don’t know what you’re looking for. If you’re ever unsure, or if it’s a new mole, don’t worry – you can come to us at Perfection Cosmetic and we can look and advise on what to do next.

Step 2 – find the right place

You can easily search for laser mole removal treatments in Bolton and find plenty of places in the North West and surrounding areas. But you don’t want to find any old place. You need a reputable clinic that knows what they’re doing. One that offers a range of treatments at reasonable prices and will be crystal clear with you from the moment you book your consultation. And not to blow our own trumpet, but that’s exactly what we offer here at Perfection Cosmetic. You know you’ll be in safe hands and get the best possible treatment we can offer to help you remove any moles.

Step 3 – booking a consultation

Perhaps the easiest step by far. Just fill out our form and begin your journey towards laser mole removal. We’ll then get in touch to arrange a time for your consultation. We’ll go through your medical history, the process involved and how to look after yourself once the procedure’s complete. Then we can book you in!

Step 4 – what happens on the day?

Once you’ve booked in your date and time, head on over to us at Perfection Cosmetic and we can begin the procedure. Using our laser technology, we target the mole with specific wavelengths which destroy the dark pigment of skin, leaving that area the same as the rest of your body or face. We’ll aim to remove a mole in just one session but stubborn ones can require multiple treatments. Either way, you’ll be pleased with the results.

Step 5 – looking after yourself

Like any treatment, you need to take care of yourself afterwards. Thankfully, with laser mole removal procedures, it only requires you to make sure the area is kept clean. Then after a few days you can just carry on as normal.

There you have it. Laser mole removal is actually a seamless experience, from booking it to getting it done. Book yours today – treatment can start from as little as £100.