Six Facts On Cutaneous Skin Tags

skin tag removal

Skin tags are a common complaint and lots of people will get them on their body in their lifetime. Not to be confused with moles or warts, a skin tag is a benign tumour that can appear on your body. It doesn’t’ cause any harm and can easily be removed if you’re looking for skin tag removal in Bolton. We take a look at where skin tags most commonly appear and then delve into six key interesting facts about them which will enlighten you even more!

Where do skin tags usually appear?

It’s easy to confuse skin tags for moles or warts, but once you understand the main differences between them, you’ll definitely know what a skin tag is. They usually appear on parts of your body where the skin creases, so under your armpit or on your neck. These extra ‘bits’ of skin can stick out and people often find them unsightly, which is why they want them removed. They can also rub or chafe against clothes, for instance, if you had a skin tag on your neck, you might feel it against the collar, rubbing up and down. It can be very irritating and will have you looking for a place to get it removed, such as at Perfection Cosmetic Clinic near Manchester.

Now you know when they usually appear and the grievances they cause, here are six interesting facts on skin tags.

Top six facts about skin tags

1. Skin tags are only cosmetic

A skin tag might be irritating, depending on where it is on your body. But the most common complaint about them is the way they look. They don’t have any side effects and aren’t detrimental to your health, so it’s no problem to get them removed.

2. Skin tags won’t cause pain

If you get a skin tag caught on a piece of clothing or jewellery, then it can cause some discomfort. But the skin tag itself won’t cause any other pain.

3. Skin tags appear due to friction

When there is constant friction between a fold in your skin, it can lead to the creation of a skin tag. That’s why most of them appear in bodily areas which are under constant contact, such as armpits or the groin.

4. Skin tags start off in a small size

Which is why it can be easy to mistake it for a mole. But after a while, the small bump attaches itself under the skin and grows into the skin tag you’re used to seeing.

5. Skin tags can be removed

There are various methods for removing skin tags, from freezing, burning or even cutting. Though we recommend avoiding these methods and getting it professionally done at a reputable clinic.

6. Skin tags should be removed by a professional

DIY methods are a big no-no. There are horror stories out there of people cutting off their own skin tags. Let’s just say, it doesn’t end well. You can disfigure your body, scar yourself and after all of that, the skin tag won’t even be fully removed.

At Perfection Cosmetic, we use laser technology to effectively remove skin tags. It’s a quick process and you might feel a little sting when it’s done. But at the end, we’ll have removed the skin tag and you can head back home without that extra, unwanted addition to your body.