Just Had Wart or Mole Removal? Here’s What To Do Next

Just Had Wart or Mole Removal Here’s What To Do Next

As technology finds easier and easier ways of achieving our aesthetic goals, more and more people are turning to companies like the Perfection Cosmetic Laser Clinic for help in removing those unwanted moles and skin blemishes. It’s now simpler and more painless than ever and many people get their blemishes removed in just one session.

But the simplicity of modern-day wart and mole removal doesn’t mean that the responsibility is completely out of the wart removal customer’s hands. Indeed, there are many things that customers can do to increase the effectiveness of their removal treatment. This blog will outline some of the best aftercare tips for wart, mole or skin tag removal customers and how a little aftercare can elevate your aesthetic results. 

What Method Are You Using?

Whether a mole, wart or skin tag, removal for non-medically provoked removals can differ greatly in how invasive they are. A surgical removal of a large mole or wart will require more healing than a laser wart removal or mole removal. Freezing a wart or a mole is also less invasive, but can lead to scarring if you don’t adhere to aftercare guidelines. 

Size Matters

The size and spacing of the target area will also have an effect on how long the aftercare procedure will be. It’s simple really, the larger the mole or wart is, the longer it will take to heal once it’s been removed. If you’re having several moles or warts taken care of in one sitting, the healing process will also take some time. 

It’s worth remembering that a wound will clot within 24 hours, and within a week it will have started healing itself. It’s during that week that you can take measures to ensure that your skin does not visibly scar. The 24 hours clotting period also depends on the size of the wound. 

Make Sure To Moisturise

Keeping your skin moisturised will aid the healing process after a removal procedure. Skin needs the right atmosphere to heal properly, and moisture is key to keeping it nourished.

If Using Laser Therapy, Use Sun Cream

If Using Laser Therapy, Use Sun Cream

One thing that many wart removal UK customers can do to protect themselves, especially after laser treatment, is to use sun cream on the affected area. Sunlight can damage sensitive skin, and yours will be for around a week after a removal treatment by laser. 

Smoking, Alcohol And Blood Thinning Medication

For the week after your procedure, try to avoid drinking too much, using tobacco and using blood thinning medication. Blood thinning medication will slow the rate of your blood clotting, whilst tobacco and alcohol will dehydrate your skin and rob it of the moisture it will need during the healing process.

Other Factors To Watch Out For

Other factors that might affect your healing process include if you have immunodeficiency, a proclivity of your skin for inflammation as well as malnutrition and smoking. All of these factors may slow down your healing process after wart or mole removal, which is why you’ll be eligible for a free consultation session before you book your appointment with Perfection Cosmetic.