The Best Laser Treatments for Dark Skin

The Best Laser Treatments for Dark Skin

For many years it was recommended that darker skinned people should not get laser treatment for their skin. Laser skin treatments work by targeting the haemoglobin and melatonin levels in the skin, so the higher the levels of those things, the higher the damage. Afterall, people always forget that laser treatment is essentially damaging your skin in order to encourage it to repair- but too much damage can be a bad thing. However, this has changed dramatically in the last few years, and new lasers mixed with new ways of using existing lasers means that dark skinned people can actually have most treatments without too much issue. For example if you’re looking for skin tag removal Bolton, then Perfection Cosmetic Laser Clinic offers services for darker skin. Still there are some things to watch out for. 

Do Your Research

The absolute worst thing you can do is just turn up at any old clinic and get something lasered. There are so many different options out there, so many treatment types, and laser types- even masses of skin types! The first thing you need to do is have a medical consultation, then you will go into the process with a bit of knowledge. Once you’ve done this you can start looking into specific clinics and the equipment they use, and if it’s right for your skin type. The decision should not be taken lightly, as the results can be severe. 

Decide On The Treatment You Want

Obviously, right? Wrong! There are so many types of treatments available, and not all of them will work with all skin types. Make sure you know exactly what you are going in for. For example if you are looking for the best mole removal Chorley has to offer, you’re probably okay to search “laser clinic Bolton, and just head to an aesthetic practitioner office. Tech has come on far enough that this causes little to no problems regardless of your skin type! However, if you are looking for total facial laser treatment the margin for error is greater. Make sure you find a specialist with experience working with darker skin, and with the right equipment to successfully do so on your precious face! 

Rosacea And Blemishes 

Rosacea can occur in any skin tone, it’s essentially damage to the lower layers of skin- so just because you can’t see it straight away, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. aesthetic practitioner have found ways to use existing lasers to reduce rosacea marks in patients with dark skin, by turning down the heat and intensity of the laser. A steady and practiced hand is still required though! Blemishes and marks can also be tackled by an increasing amount of clinics, as they discover new technologies. Clinics now use lasers that emit extremely fast pulses that do less damage to darker skin. Meaning sunspots and unwanted blemishes are a thing of the past regardless of your skin tone.

Technology has come a long way, but there is still a way to go. So make sure you do your research and find the right specialist for you.