8 things to know before having laser treatment for your scar

8 things to know before having laser treatment for your scar

If you have an unsightly scar, or feel self conscious about old acne scars, then you have probably considered laser treatment, amongst other things. Specialist laser operators, like Perfection Cosmetic Laser Clinic, not only deal with scars but also offer skin mole removal services and even laser hair removal courses, so head to their website for more information before proceeding. If you’re after the best mole removal Blackburn has on offer you schedule an appointment now.  Now let’s take a look at the things you should definitely know before booking your laser treatment.   

  • Laser treatment cannot get rid of a scar!- It is super important to understand that, unfortunately most scars are permanent, so don’t expect a magic fix. What laser treatment does is reduce the visibility of the scar, they have methods of making scars much less obvious, and can relieve itching and mobility issues caused by scar tissue. 

  • Lifestyle changes may be necessary before treatment- Lots of people assume they can just rock up and get lasered. This could not be more wrong! Lots of preparation goes into a laser session. You must stop smoking at least two weeks before the appointment, as well as reducing usage of many types of medications. 

  • Sun protection will be crucial before and after treatment- If you turn up to your appointment with sunburn in the area, your aesthetic practitioner will refuse to do the treatment. Similarly, if you get sunburnt after the session, before your skin has healed, you could actually develop another scar.   
  • Results could take months to show- Following on from number 3, this is not an overnight fix! It can take months to see the full effects of the treatment, so be patient and take care of the area. 

  • Insurance won’t always cover your treatment- Even if your scar is causing discomfort or mobility issues, your insurance will likely not cover your treatment. Insurance companies usually consider laser sessions as cometic, and will refuse the bill. 

  • You may need more than one session- Depending on the size of the area in question, and the damage that has been done, you may be looking at several sessions under the laser. It takes time to fix damage so don’t get complacent.

  • The results of your treatment depend on the skill of your specialist- Make sure you do your research and read reviews. There are some specialists out there who are not as skilled as others in certain areas. It’s really worth your time to make sure you pick a centre who specialise in scar recovery. Some may offer the service, but could not have much experience actually carrying out the procedure.
  • A medical consultation is crucial before your appointment- This is vital. If a clinic offers you a treatment without a medical consultation, walk away immediately. There are many things your specialist will need to know before they begin, to ensure they wont do any more damage to the area. So get checked out first! 

Hopefully these tips will be helpful for you, whilst you decide what your next step is!